Thursday, June 19, 2008

the joys of relationships

So, the boy is leaving on Sunday for six weeks for work. He'll be in Europe, and I'm going to visit for a weekend if I can get on a plane (that's another neurosis for another day) but basically, I'm a mess. He's been working late all week and I am freaking out that we are not spending enough quality time together before he goes. He's all: "quality time? who cares if we are gazing into each other's eyes at a wine bar or sprawled on the couch watching The Hills? As long as we're together....blah blah blah." But I'm all: ""No! We have to have proper dates, and say nice things to each other, and be all alone together before you leave or else." Now, I of course have no idea what the "or else" is. Or else we'll break up? Or else you'll cheat on me? Or else I'll cheat on you? Or else you'll forget me? Or else you'll never buy that engagement ring I know you're looking for? Basically, I've got a major case of the crazy. But that fact is, I miss my boy when he's gone. And I overthink and overanalyze everything. So, I'm going out tonight with some friends since he's supposed to work late but the whole time I'll be thinking what if he gets home before me? Now, that would be a disaster.

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