Thursday, July 3, 2008

I suck at this

I seem to kind of suck at blogging. I thought this might happen. I got one comment on my last post (thanks vittoria!) which was pretty exciting, but apparently not enough to keep me blogging. I think it's just sort of scary for me to put myself out there, even though this is anonymous and I am trying to do it so no one will be able to figure out the real me. As if that is what people are spending their time doing, but as you will soon learn if we continue with this little experiment, I am a bit paranoid (read: I'm totally loco). So I am trying to figure out if I'm going to keep going with this thing, and I think I will for now. I mean, 2 weeks is sort of pathetic--I can't quit already. So, an update for y'all. (I am so not from the south, but sort of went to college there and really like y'all.) Anywho...the boy is still gone, I miss him, am very sad, and am not visiting him because I cannot get on a plane. I pretty much hate myself for this but it's true. He comes back in a month, which I guess isn't so long, but it pretty much blows. I am totally one of those girls with a major case of the crazy, too. I am constantly imagining him flirting and cuddling with the girls he's working with there...I literally have this image of them in a bar, sipping champagne and him thinking, "who needs a girlfriend when I have this new and improved version of W, who is right here with me?". I know he loves me, would never cheat, blah blah blah, but being 3000 miles away can make a girl a little nuts. So bear with me. But I will try to have fun this weekend, I'm heading to Fire Island tomorrow and then I have a bbq to go to in Brooklyn on Saturday so it should be a good time. I never venture to the outer boroughs (I'm not a snob, just really really lazy) but I figure with the boy gone I've got to up my adventure quotient. I'll let you know how it all turns out. Hope anyone out there actually reading this has a great 4th!


Yoda said...

3000 miles!!! Oh man that is indeed far far away. I hate long distance, tho it seems that its temporary in your case ...

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

I'm commenting! HI!