Wednesday, July 9, 2008

summer in the city

It is super hot in NYC right now. Well, not that hot just humid as hell and I do not like it. My window unit A/C is total crap and I am not pleased. Why does central air basically not exist in NYC? Fine it exists but not in my price range and I am pissed. Anyway...thanks chelsea and yoda for commenting on my last post! I'm excited and I promise to add you to my blogroll once I figure out how.

I'm definitely feeling a little happier and more at peace since my last couple posts. I think I'm just sort of settling into living alone and all that good stuff. Although the boy comes back in less than a month so I'm sure that by the time I'm really used to it he'll be back. Not that I'm complaining. Soon I am going to grace you all (all 2 of you) with some sort of story. What kind of story I do not know. But some kind.

Life has been slow here, but I am heading up to Boston this weekend to visit my BFF from college so maybe I'll have all kinds of craziness to report on when I come back. I also am trying to make an effort do more summery NYC-y things this summer. Philharmonic in the park? Movie at Bryant park? Those all sound like things I might like. Now, I just have to get off my ass and do them. I am seriously at least going to organize a park picnic night next week with some girlfriends so that is a first step at least.

Have a great weekend and I promise a more interesting post soon!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hi! What's your email so I can send you the link to my travel blog?