Thursday, July 24, 2008

Going to the chapel (city hall?)

No one is going to read this thing if I don't update. I'm aware. So, here we go. Topic of the day: weddings. I'm jumping on the bandwagon since some of my favorite bloggers are planning weddings and blogging about them and I like to live vicariously through people on the internets I don't even know. I rock. So, weddings...I am pretty sure that the boy and I will be getting engaged in the next few months. Wow, it is weird to type that out and make it real. Usually, I just think it to myself and then proceed to plan the next 10 years of my life. Regardless, we've been together since college, talk about it all the time, and already consider each other family/partners and all that great, corny stuff. So it's imminent, barring some unforseen disaster like him falling in love with some parisian slut and leaving me for a life of croissants and espresso in Europe some time in the next week before he comes home. But that's another crazy for another day.

Anyway, this whole engagement thing always gets me thinking about what kind of wedding I want. The boy's brother got married last year and had a crazy, over the top, black tie wedding in a super fancy LA hotel. It was gorgeous, but totally not what I want. I want outside, farmhouse, beautiful views, flowy dress, lots of beer, and people dancing to bluegrass music. At least I think that's what I want. I have a feeling once I actually look into it I am going to decide that is way harder to plan than a hotel wedding, and also that maybe I do want a big poofy dress and all the fixings. I should warn you all that I am the world's worst decision maker. Like, if you ask me to choose between two movies I will weigh a list of pros and cons, agonize for approximately 2 hours, and potentially miss the movie because i have given myself an anxiety attack trying to decide. I'd like to say I'm exaggerating, but barely. So making wedding decisions is not going to be a pretty picture. I will be one big (cute) ball of anxiety and stress which makes me really want to elope. The stress of planning a wedding just does not appeal to me. If I had unlimited funds and could just hire someone to do it, that would be great. But I do not. But then there's the whole, oh I want my friends and family to see me profess my love (=look hot in a wedding dress) and I will regret it forever and ever if I elope. Anyway, the moral of this little rant is that I am already stressed about planning a wedding for a marriage that has not even yet been proposed. I think I've mentioned I'm crazy? So are there any thoughts out there from brides who avoided stress, dealt with stress, or drank their stress away? Um, or maybe I shouldn't think about until I'm actually engaged. Yeah, that makes sense.

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